Week7 Devlog

Update summary

Background movement

In this week’s project update, I first made the background of the game.

In the initial stage, I used two pictures to splice into a large background movement, the sample picture is as follows,

Flow chart:

Screenshot from my own structure diagram

Character animation

In this project, the background is moving instead of the characters. The characters have frame animations of running and jumping. Use the space bar to make the first jump, and press the space bar again to make the second jump.

(gif from the screenshot of the unity project)





(The character model is not the final model, because the model has not been completed yet, so the free material on the website is quoted.)


After the background image has been running for a long time, there will be a gap between the two images.

An error was found. The script that controls the background movement will have a big gap after running for a long time or changing the speed. Changed the background moving method, and changed it to a single image. First, change the Wrap mode of the material picture to Repeat, and realize the unlimited playback of a single picture by modifying the offset value in the background Spriterenderer material shader, and there will be no gaps.


The character is not smooth the second time it jumps back to the ground.

A bug was found, there is an interval between the character jumping animation and running animation. Cancel the  Has Exit Time between animations, and set the Translation Duration to 0.

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